Idukki Gold is an extinct variety of south Indian Equatorial origin which dates back to early 70’s through late 90’s. After which a sudden Increase in national population combined with the new era of BPO created a subsequent increased demand of cannabis, which in turn Forced farmers to select for the faster finishing plants with better yields oppose to the older ways to meet the ever increasing demands in the black market.
India was experiencing a cultural upheaval as for the first time there Were jobs readily available in service industry, which paid well and gave an opportunity for learning about the western culture more still in the absence of widespread internet.
Independently living younger generation were not only able to smoke/consume more but even a very small percentage was able to grow their own cannabis while it never rose up to an extensive level as a culture. Somewhere down the line this cultivar was lost to either Hybridization with other indian cultivar/landrace or a rigorous selection process for shorter flowering strains, set forth by the increased demands of cannabis in the mid-late 90’s.

Idukki is a Narrow leaf drug producing variety Which flowers for around 20 weeks and produces average yields that smell of dominantly musk, the subjective reports gathered from the people who consumed this flower all commonly point to a very musky flavour which was the signature of this pure landrace variety.
It’s reported to induce very psychoactive uplifting high, which comes on almost immediately and stays for a over an hour, the high is generally categorised as energetic which is ideal for outdoor activities or performing creative tasks.